River Hendricks - “Ghost River Art”

"Art has been my friend for as long as I can remember. I drew characters before coloring inside the lines of coloring books. That being said, I've always only known my art to be an extension of myself.. my passion. It wasn't until a couple of years ago, that I started to truly listen to my surroundings to listen to my visions. I believe my work is here to invoke memories, knowledge and truth that has been forgotten in today's world. It is to give voice to energies and Beings that have seemingly been forgotten and to remind us all of the Sacredness of life and the magic within ourselves.

I will continue to Raise the Vibration and hold the positive Light I want to see in others and the World. My endeavors will always be diligent, passionate and fiercely created in love, with an intensity of Lions - of Hawks - of Wolves - of the Sun."